Friday, May 22, 2009

Super Powers!

I was taking a Facebook quiz the other day (I know, I know. . .) and the question asked me what super power I would really like to have.
Would I like to be able to fly? Well, that would be a nice way to get places fast. Oooh! Especially for long distances. How fun to never have to go through airport security again, especially with kids!

Would I like x-ray vision? As a mom, that would be nice to be able to check in on my kids no matter what room they were in. That might be a nice super power.

Would I like the power to control the weather? That would be awesome. But the people around me would probably be miserable! I like things a little toasty and do not mind the humidity. I think that there would be a major mutiny after 87 degree days and high humidity.

All these things would be nice, but after thinking about it for weeks (truly, for weeks!) I have figured it out. I would like to power to control and stop time.

Now, you are probably thinking that I would like to stop time for some sappy reason like my kids are getting so big so fast and I just want to savor these days when they are so little and so cute. Yep, that would be a good answer from a good Mom. But not mine.

I want to stop time and have people freeze so that I can clean my house without it being immediately messed up right behind me. I would freeze time and clean and clean and clean and clean and just revel in it for awhile. It'd be great.

Maybe I should just ask for the super power that would allow me to have a room clean just by thinking about it. That way I would truly never have to actually even clean. Oh! Even better! Okay, I want that one.


Tina said...

Wow! that really would be a great super power! I'll go for that too!

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

you could be like Mary Poppins and just snap your fingers

LeeAnn said...

Yup, sign me up for that one too. Can I also have Elasta Girl's powers?

Sylvia said...

That's why I like to clean at night...a solid 8-10 hours of clean...sure I'm sleeping but nothing is better than waking to a clean house.

Unknown said...

Me too!! And I'm with LeeAnn, I'd love to have Elastagirls powers.