Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Not That There's Anything Wrong With It. . .

Yesterday I found myself in a store that is not my favorite. But, I am a captive to the low prices and wide selection. What can I do? While shopping at said store, I split away from Garry and the kids to go find another tupperware-thingy-majigger. We're big on organizing right now. I was wearing black pants, a black shirt, and a green sweater. My hair was a hopeless mess. Make-up? Not sure if I really had any on. It wasn't my best day.

While I was trying to find Garry and the kids, tupperware-thingy-majigger in hand, some lady. . .

Well, before I proceed, let me clarify NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH IT . . .

but then some lady stopped me to ask me a question because she thought I was an employee of said store that is not my favorite but nevertheless holds me captive with its low prices and wide selection.

The mistake was quickly fixed, and I went on my way. Walking back to Garry, I started wondering what in the world had just happened. What vibe was I sending out? Because in general the employees in this store have a reputation for being unhelpful and easily annoyed. Was that my vibe? Am I sending out feeling waves of wanting to be left alone and easily annoyed and completely unaware of where the light bulbs may be located?

So, here's my goal today. Relax. Be happy. And fix my vibe.


Sylvia said...

Alicia...stay out of Walmart- I think I have told you that before. No good can come out of going there..especially now that we have a shiny new Target just as close :)

LeeAnn said...

Ditto to Sylvia's advice! The lady probably asked you because your vibe was actually showing that you were a happy person instead of the unhappy attitude of the employees there! I do not step into this store anymore unless I am with Duane and he is going there. In fact I have actually sat in the car while he has gone in!