Monday, September 7, 2009

There's Talking. . .And Then There's TALKING.

I told Garry today that sometimes he reminds me of that teenager who comes hom from school, tells his Mom that not much happened that day, then goes to his room and talks and talks to his friends over all that happened that day.

We just got back from a trip to West Virginia. We saw a lot of family members and went through a lot of experiences, and I thought that we had experienced a lot of things to talk about on the way home. So I waited for the talking to commence. And waited. And waited. Finally an hour away from home I asked Garry why he was not talking to me about the weekend.

"We were together this weekend," he explained. "We saw the same things, went the same places. What would we talk about?"

I do not know where to even begin.


Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

I think once Scott finally makes a decision, we might have nothing to talk about either

Jana said...

I know exactly how you feel. Bill does the same thing. Maybe it's a guy thing.

Meg said...

Ha Ha! I think it's a Cunningham thing...if not a guy thing! Jeremy is the same way! He can get off the phone after taking to his dad or someone and I expect him to tell me about the conversation but he doesn' I ask "how's your dad doing, what did he have to say?" "oh nothing" "really...that was a long time to be on the phone to talk about NOTHING!"

MissouriMormonMama said...

That is so funny! I think it's more a male thing- although John's pretty good with talking. Thanks for the laugh