Friday, March 20, 2009

An Addiction Justified

Those who know me well know that I am a little addicted to vacuuming. I never put my vacuum away because chances are that I will be using it again -- and soon.

I like to vacuum. If I was honest, I would admit that what I really like about vacuuming is that while it's running, I cannot hear kids cry. It's just me, my thoughts, and my vacuum for a few blissful moments. I have a vacuum for the carpet, one for my floors, and one that shampoos -- known lovingly as The Hoover.

The Hoover only gets brought out every month or so, and usually just downstairs. Because I have over 20 piano students and their parents and my kids and my dog walking all over a cream carpet, it really does not stay clean for long. But for a few moments, it's truly lovely.

There are some who claim that I vacuum too much. But considering the parents that I encounter, I feel that my addiction is justified and necessary. The other day, one of the parents asked me if I had a carpet cleaner. I explained that yes, I had The Hoover, it just had not been used in a few weeks.

"Oh," she said, "because if you didn't, I was going to let you use mine."

I guess that was a friendly hint that I need to get vacuuming again. No problem.


Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

oh no she didn't

Sylvia said...

I love to vacuum too...the white noise of it and clean floors...what's not to love?
It only possibly pales to using the lawn mower.

Tina said...

I am so happy that none of my "traffic" areas have carpet! My students all know my unwritten rule . . . on dry days the shoes can stay on . . . on wet days they come off! Still on dry days I'll get those little crusty dirt spots that come off of the bottom of shoes, you know what I mean? At least they are dry though!

I only vacuum once a week . . missed last week . . . and maybe the week before (OH NO!) It is on my list for today!

LeeAnn said...

I shall not confess to how often I vacuum. You may all never come to my house again!