Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We're Home. . .And We Get To Keep Her!

In the book The Glass Castle, the family is so poor that they have to "skedaddle" from the hospital before they get served with a bill. Yesterday, Garry and I were seriously considering a skedaddle, not because we cannot afford the bill but because we were concerned that they were never going to let us go.

Molly's jaundice levels never did come down. She suffered under those lights for 48 hours and her levels kept going up and up. We were getting very frustrated because nothing was working and we were getting very tired because Molly could not get comfortable under the lights. She could not sleep and I could not sleep.

When the nurse said that we would probably have to stay, I started crying. I just lost it. But, for some miraculous reason, the doctor said that we could go home. Garry and I were so excited! We started packing bags and cleaning up but the nurse came in and said that during her final assessment, they found a heart murmur.

Well, my father and brother and Emma all have false murmurs, so I was not worried, but I knew that it would set us back. An EKG would need to be run and the results sent to Children's and a final decision would have to be made by the doctor.

About five hours later, we were finally in the van, with its seat warmers running on high, on our way HOME! All this "being home wonderfulness" was contingent upon how she did at her exam at the Pediatrician's office today. We just got back, and the doctor said that she looks good. We can keep her!


Tina said...

So tears really do get results! Glad you were able to come home and hope everything is okay with the jaundice and the heart murmur.

LeeAnn said...

Welcome Home!! It is always so much easier to recoop and recover at home!