Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The New Sexy

So while Garry is off playing basketball with the boys tonight, I am catching up on a Project Runway marathon and thinking about the term "sexy". What is sexy on a woman or what makes a woman sexy gets a lot of attention, but what about men?

I must admit that my definition of sexy would not be accepted by Hollywood. I do not care what Garry wears. I have to admit that I do not pay much attention. And most of the time, I do not even care what he smells like. There are some times of obvious exception -- for example, when he gets back from basketball tonight, I might care.

So what's sexy in Alicia's world? Unloading the dishwasher. I HATE unloading the dishwasher and so when Garry takes care of it, wow, that is really sexy to me. Or when he takes both girls to the grocery store. Now that's sexy. One Friday night, he came home with a chick-flick ON PURPOSE. Sexy.

So, designers, do your thing in your efforts to win Project Runway. But when you're done there, go home and unload the dishwasher.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Well said! Research has shown that men who do more housework get more 'sexy time.' Carry on.