Wednesday, December 1, 2010

But. . .But. . .

Yesterday while Macey was at dance class I took the other two to Target down the hill. While we were shopping, I saw IT. The Rapunzel Doll Vanity Emma had been asking for for weeks. The last time we saw it, it sold out fast, and even now there were only five left. But Emma was with me. . .what to do?

I used my cell phone to call my sister really fast and when she answered I just muttered "Say yes." And then in a loud voice I told her that the vanity her youngest was looking for was finally in stock and did she want me to buy one? You know, for her youngest?

Oh, it was the meanest thing. Emma had big tears in her eyes when I put it in the cart and she reminded me that SHE wanted it and SHE had been asking for it for a long time.

"Oh, you want this, too?" I answered. "Well, we'll have to ask your Dad."

Hopefully Emma will forgive me after Christmas. . .


Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...


Stephanie said...

Poor Emma!

Unknown said...

I'll have to remember that...I've passed things up before because my kids were with idea, even if it does make a kid sad.

Jana said...

Quick Thinking! I am sure Emma will forgive you once she finds it under the tree. :)