Friday, April 15, 2011

Underestimating My Learning Curve

Today my Mom goes home. Sad day. She was only here for a few days, and Garry has already gone back to work. I reminded them that with Emma, they spent over two weeks with me. Same with Macey. And then with Molly everyone combined visiting with their Christmas vacation, and I had a lot of help for a long time. Now, I have four kids and Garry is already back at work and my Mom was only able to spend five days. Really, does that make sense to anyone? I think everyone is seriously underestimating the learning curve of having four little kids.


Stephanie said...

I think Lance took a month off or something crazy like that. It was great! He basically exhausted all of his sick leave with every birth.

Tina said...

I TOTALLY agree with you!!!!!

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

I agree. Being in school, Scott took no days w/ Riley, 1/2 day w/ Spencer (and that was just to watch him be born) and no days w/ Eddie since he was born on a Sunday. Both moms helped out and I didn't have to have a c-section

LeeAnn said...

Welllllll.....back in the dark ages when me kids were born it was me and Duane. Oh and no "Baby Bonding" leave either. I have COMPLETE faith in you Alicia! If I did it so can you! Granted I have no brains cells left but my children are all alive and and flourishing!