Saturday, April 9, 2011

Once is mean, twice is downright cruel. . .

I forgot in my blog below to write about how things got resolved for poor Braden. The first pediatrician had to bring in a second pediatrician to look at what was going on. Initially she said, "oh, no problem" but upon further inspection she said, "oh, problem". The poor little guy. They had to cut the circumcision cap off where it was stuck and then close things up with a suture. Circumcision once is pretty mean. Having to go through the process again was downright cruel. Garry said that Braden gave him the stink eye the whole time. I wince for my baby, but that part of the story makes me chuckle. But, the doctor said it was good that we brought him in because it would never have come off on its own. So being a little hyper-worried and camping out in the pediatricians office until they helped worked out for the best.


Tina said...

Ahhhh! Always nice to hear "the rest of the story"!!!

One of my boys was delivered in a "birthing suite" since I was low risk . . . . I didn't know that one of the negatives of a birthing suite was that they didn't do the circumcision right away. I had to take my 7 day old baby boy in for it later. They often do it without pain meds, saying, "the pain doesn't last long" and "the baby soon forgets the pain" and a lot of other load of crap. They had me wait in the hall while they strapped him into some kind of torture equipment. When my poor baby started screaming like I'd never heard him scream before I had to leave. To withdraw. Right then the thought came into my mind that God withdrew when the savior hung on the cross. Right then I could understand why. I got a new understanding of love and letting someone go through pain for a greater good.

Boy did I feel like a heal.

Sorry for the epic comment!

Michelle - aka Belle said...

You never have to apologize for being a good mom. Believe it or not, doctors don't know everything and you have every right to camp out at the doctors office until they listen to you. There are a lot of times that mother really does know best. Congrats on the new little guy!

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...


Unknown said...

poor guy... at least it's finally taken care of!