Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tiptoe, Tiptoe. . .

Braden will usually wake up before 6 AM, and therefore he is usually ready for a nap by 8:30. Wish he would just sleep until 8:30 instead. . .

This morning I did not get Molly dressed before I put Braden down. Since their rooms are next to each other, I asked Molly to please tiptoe upstairs so we could get her ready. I wanted her to be quiet so that Braden could sleep.

We walked up the stairs and Molly whispered "tiptoe, tiptoe" all the way up the stairs. I was proud of her for being so quiet.

Until we reached her room and she screamed out, "I did it, Momma! I did it!!"

Maybe I should have explained the reason behind the tiptoe, tiptoe a little more. . .

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