Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas . . . Rewritten

A few years ago, my sisters and I were together and we were discussing Christmas Past. It was then that the truth was revealed about Santa.

No, not THAT truth.

Before I go further, two other facts must be revealed. First, Santa gifts do not have to be wrapped or come in a box. In fact, the very essence of a Santa gift is one that has been put together and placed under the tree. Second, there is a seven year gap between me and my nearest sibling, therefore when they were young and playing with toys, I was not around.

Do you see where I am going with this?

My Santa gifts were actually, well, regifts.

It all started to make sense. Now I knew why my Barbie did not actually fit into the Barbie motorhome. Now I saw why the Little People Cruise Ship was. . .well, weathered. And finally it made sense why my Barbie Convertible had tires that would not pass inspection.

My parents were crazy thrifty, but this was ingenious. And I appreciate it. The thriftiness made sure that we always had money when we needed it but never when we wanted it. A big difference. So Oprah, if you need more ideas on Thrifty Christmas Presents, talk to my Mom. She's a genius.

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